Donations & Membership

Heartfelt thanks go out to all of the Circle volunteers, and everyone who supports with so much generosity and compassion. We are looking forward to a future collaboration and active participation to all Circle activities and events.




CIRCLE Association for International Cooperation & Development

Banca Polpolare dell'Alto Adige - Südtiroler Volksbank

IBAN IT94 Y058 5658 5900 4057 1258 765



Donations are deductible from taxes!



Who wants to become a member of Circle, has to complete the "membership form" (see download)



Partner & Sponsor

Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol

Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano -

Alto Adige


Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige - Südtirol


Church Valdese



Diözese Bozen-Brixen



Gemeinde Meran

