
Association for International Cooperation and Development

Circle Brochure
Circle Brochure.pdf
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Circle is a non-profit organization from Merano, Southtyrol/Italy which carries out development projects in Third World countries.

The association has no political goals or religious agenda. Circle wants simply to improve the living conditions of those who are most impoverished and vulnerable, in particular children, young people and women. The most imprtant goals are: building and expanding schools and educational facilities, encouragement of education, reduction of school attrition, migration minimization of young people into large cities, alleviation of social ills, fight against crime and poverty, sensitization campaigns, construction of medical centers and clinics, sponsorship and promotion of small loans for weak rural communities etc.

In August 2013 members of Circle met Father Innocent Welfon, a missionary from Cameroon, who since then was active until 2018 in Luanda/Western Kenya where Circle was and is still very active. Kenya is one of the world's poorest countries. Circle began working with this young missionary, and was engaged in a close partnership with him.. Since he moved to Camerun where hs is still active for Circle, who supports him the cooperation in Luanda  continues with another partner.


Since its foundation in 2013, Circle has implemented and realized lots of projects in the above mentioned sectors and is now active in the following regions and countries:
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Ecuador, Brazil, India. Others will follow.

In its activities, Circle is strongly and continuously supported – since the very beginning - from the Office of Government Affairs and Development Cooperation of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano as well the Diocese of Bolzano and Bressanone, the Region Trentino-South Tyrol and the Municipaity of Merano. Furthermore, many private people and companies like Rothoblass from Cortaccia and Energytech from Bolzano support the association.

All donations benefit the specific projects being carried out by Circle. Funds are deposited into a secure bank account to which the local partners have direct access. The funds can therefore be used exclusively for Circle’s projects.

In the short time since it was founded, Circle has already dedicated itself to carrying out a big number of important projects in the above mentioned countries. Others will follow in future.

All members work on a voluntary basis.